Fri Jan 1 2021
L - Stuffed Costco bell peppers, mashed potatoes and veggies
D - pepperoni pizza
A&J Made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
Sat Jan 2 2021
L - Lentils, sweet potato, fennel, onion, brown rice - not cooked enough so tossed : ( Instead had leftover pizza and salad
D - DZ Akins delivered - sandwiches (J-BLT and A B pastrami)
Sun Jan 3 2021
L - lentil soup - Leftover DZ Akins sandwiches for J B and new ham/cheese sandwich for A
D - Chicken Tikki Masala + rice and salad
Mon Jan 4 2021
L - A had PB&J (mtg), J B Chicken Masala, coconut and apricot jam
D - Doordash Korean Dinner
There is the imprint of a bird on the glass. It must have been okay as it wasn't on the ground when I looked.
Tue Jan 5 2021
L - Hamburger on long bun, baked beans and oven fried fries (not a lot of flavor)
D - Apple pie, vanilla ice cream
Buffy came upstairs!
Wed Jan 6 2021
A shocking horrible day. I cancelled my exercise session when the news started.
L - Bernie's Grilled cheese, tomato soup
D - B had cereal and blueberries
T - apple pie and ice cream
Thu Jan 7 2021
L - lazy chicken enchilada
D - Dutch Baby with Blueberries, lemon and powdered sugar + ham and whipped cream
Fri Jan 8 2021
L - lazy chicken enchilada, leftover rice and lentils or BBQ Beans
D - Tofu, mushrooms, sugar snap beans, carrots, rice, soy and brown sugar sauce
A J Made cookie brownies - going to bake something together each week - A's idea!
These were delicious! New to us.
Unusual tree in next neighborhood
Close up of the tree. The hanging things are very hard.
Sat Jan 9 2021
L - Chili cheese hot dog boats + 3 bean salad
D - yogurt, jam J - B cereal - A skipped
Sun Jan 10 2021
L -Scrambled eggs with cut up hot dogs, cheese on toast and blueberries
D - Door dash DZ Akins - J turkey sand and pasta salad, A hamburger with onion rings, B pastrami reuben and cole slaw
Mon Jan 11 2021
L - J B left over sandwich, A beans (but he didn't eat - meeting)
D - doordash CA Fish Grill - J shrimp, A salmon, B salmon salad
Tue Jan 12 2021
L - tofu stir fry rice, salmon, baked beans
D - red cabbage, chicken sauerbraten, mashed potatoes and best cake ever!
Wed Jan 13 2021
L - black beans with Eng muffins
D - Alex's chicken pot pie with red wine, topped with crescent roll
Sunset at end of our street
Standing garden table being put together in the next neighborhood.
Thu Jan 14 2021
L - Black beans and rice and CAKE
D - Chicken pot pie, CAKE and ice cream!!
Fri Jan 15 2021
L - Round up chicken pot pie, red cabbage and beans
D - spaghetti, sausage sauce, zucchini and salad
Attractive gate in the neighborhood.
Cousin's in PA
Sat Jan 16 2021
L - Chana Masala with rice and yogurt on top
D - Chicken panko, corn bread stuffing with sage sausage, string beans, cranberry sauce
A J Made oatmeal choc chip cookies - we are aiming to bake something once a week for 2021.
New toaster oven
Nice colors!
Great photo from a long time ago...
Sun Jan 17 2021
L - spaghetti
D - chicken, stuffing, peas, red cabbage, gravy
A J Made choc chip cookies - sort of stressed I guess made more...
Wrote my Swedish friend to see if she knew these shows - she hasn't written back so guessing not.
Nice lights - still up!
Mon Jan 18 2021
L - chana masala and rice
D - Avocado ham sandwiches, potato salad stuffing and cranberry sauce
Tues Jan 19 2021
L - Chana masala, rice (potato flakes added)
D - wide noodles, sauce with meatballs, zucchini and costco squares with butter
A J made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies - still stressed. More cookies. Supposed to do only once a week.....
I like these colors even more than the original. Cozy Quilt Christmas 2020 Mystery.
Great looking! Modern scrap quilt.
Wed Jan 20 2021
L - tuna sandwiches, potato salad and avocado
D - delivery Indian food
Cousin's baby
From Irish cousin's who live in France. Embarrassing how USA is seen by other countries.
Narrow hole in neighborhood
Can sleep easier now that we have a new President.
Thu Jan 21 2021
L - leftover Indian and last of the chana masala
D - on your own = B cereal A yogurt I think J yogurt
We had new water heater installed. Saw this water in front porch this am.

Then saw how unprofessionally they had done the plugging in. Cord caught in the faucet handle!
And this tub had about 2 inches of water in it too.
Boy, the companies really see us coming! We so often end up paying the most and having sucky work they expect up to live with. So unprofessional looking, and disappointing to say the least.
I didn't even notice the extra PVC pipe snaking around the bottom of the area now too. Very disappointed. I didn't take a photo of how they left the old vent hanging out for someone else to deal with to make it more flush with the wall. If I could get them to disinstall I would go with a different company.
Fri Jan 22 2021
B/L J had two eggs, deli ham on toast with butter for breakfast B&A had leftover Indian food for lunch
D the last of the stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, new mashed potatoes, peas for dinner
This is what I woke up to see!
Sat Jan 23 2021
B - J had 1 egg, deli ham on toast
L - Costco stuffed salmon, salad
D - Left over Indian food - added ham and rice, with salad
Sun Jan 24 2021
L - B&J had last of the left over Indian with a bit of salmon
D - B had cereal, A&J skipped - maybe some yogurt
Mon Jan 25 2021
L - Golden Tofu, Lentils with Tofu Sauce, Rice, Peas and Carrots
D - Last of the Costco Salmon with Mac and Cheese and Peas
Tues Jan 26 2021
B - J only - cottage cheese and blueberries, B&A skipped
L - Costco Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes + Salad with Avocado Dressing
D - Lentils, rice, with peanut sauce, sugar snap peas

My New Way to Cut Avocado
Usually take the knife at this point and try to pull the seed out.... Wait.....

Keep the fruit together and make another cut. The seed pretty much falls out.

Easy to use a spoon now to remove the flesh - or of course could slice with knife to what every size you want and then remove it from the skin. I think at least sometimes you can then pull the skin back and have the flesh pop out.
* I saw this on a YouTube of a guy cooking something else. He was a chef working in an empty kitchen. I didn't subscribe to his channel and can't remember his name. During his taping he cut his hand or finger and wrapped a towel around it. As he spoke for the rest of the show one could see the blood spreading out on the towel.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
B - cottage cheese and blueberries
L - meatloaf, potatoes, carrots
D - Doordash Chinese
Walked in am on phone with Penelope, exercise with Jil, water softener installed, Drove car by myself to J Dermatology appt, nap
Thursday, January 28, 2021
B - J had Planter's Winter Spiced Mix 1/2 c and five red vines
L - Leftover Chinese
D - Instant pot pork roast, apple sauce gravy, instant pot braised sweet and sour cabbage, zucchini, mashed potatoes
Online hand stitch bow tie quilt class, updated site with recipes and exercises
Friday, January 29, 2021
B - J had Cheerios, blueberries and milk and finished the red vines (about 8)
L - Leftover Costco meatloaf mashed potatoes, string beans for B & A, J had leftover lentils, rice and string beans
D - Leftover braised cabbage with cut up roasted pork, topped with yogurt and chives.
T - had banana nut heath bar cookies and ice cream while watching Discovery
Walked in an on phone with Penelope, exercise with Jil, Called for appointments but had to do again after doctor submits the orders to the different company, I signed up for some free online cooking classes, and one that there is a charge - a local company. They will deliver the food we will be cooking the day before the class! Alex and I made banana nut, heath bar cookies. we all watched Discovery together.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
B - Cookies
L - Tuna Sandwiches with mayo, celery, bell pepper, raisins and a green salad with tomatoes, winter spiced nuts and potato salad.
Walked with Buffy in the morning. Beautiful sunny day. Chatted with BT in Florida during the walk. DH was able to get us both vaccine appointments for tomorrow! Swing Left Zoom meeting.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
L - Round Up soup to use up the lentils, red cabbage and pork, and instapot pork drippings with chicken stock. Added pasta, peas, mushrooms - excellent taste!
D - Doordash - Chinese Food - Delicous Sushi and Korean Beef
Walked with Buffy in the AM, Online Live Class with Milkstreet on making cream cheese, Covid Vaccine!
Covid Vaccine at Petco SuperCenter