Monday, January 10, 2022

Waldorf: Applesauce "Birthday" Cake

Applesauce "Birthday" Cake
  • 3.25 c whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1.5 t baking soda
  • 1.5 t cinnamon
  • 3/4 c butter
  • 1 c maple syrup
  • 1/2 c molasses or honey
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 c applesauce
Combine dry ingredients. Cut in the butter. add rest of ingredients, beat well. Bake at 350 degrees for around 1 hour.

Verse of Anticipation
When I have said my evening prayer,
and my clothes are folded on the chair,
when Mother switches out the light,
I'll still be ___ years old tonight!
But at the break of day,
before the children rise and play,
before the darkness turns to gold,
Then I'll be ___ years old.

Birthday Verse
In heaven shines a golden star
An Angel lead me from afar
From heaven on high unto the earth
And brought me to my house of birth.

Birthday Song
We wish you a happy birthday
a joyous and celebrated birthday
To our friend _____
May you have a long, long life

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Waldorf: Friday - Green Day - Rye Cereal

Rye Cereal

6 C rye flakes

1 1/2 tsp salt

12 C water

Cook until tender (Be sure to stir so it does not burn!)

Serve with honey or maple syrup and bananas.

Note: This recipe will serve 25 - 30 kindergarten children.   For 11 to 12 children make with 3 cups rye and 6 cups water.

Candle Lighting
I can light a candle
God can light a star
Both of them are helpful
Shining where they are

Candle Stuffing
Candlelight shining bright
Thank you for your loving light.
Good night.

Come Out and Play
Bright is the day
The birds are all singing
The flowers are gay.
Stretching up, oh, so high
Trying to reach the sky.
Come out and play!
Bright is the day
The birds are all singing
The flowers are gay.

Wash Hands
Wash hands wash
The men have gone to plow.
Now's the time to wash your hands
So wash your hands now

Good-bye Verse
Our work, our play, our song
In us becomes a light
We carry it along
Til the stars shine thru the night
To God we bring it all
Answering in his call.

Good-bye Song
Good-bye now
Good-bye now
We leave you now
And home we go

Good-bye now
Good-bye now
Good-bye now
Good-bye to all of you.

It's time to go or we'll be late
Let Martin lead us to the gate.

Good-bye now
Good-bye now
We'll see you soon again.

Some October 2021 Meals

 Just too busy taking care of Buffy to log all meals.  Relying on photos on phone to share a few meals...

October 30 2021 - DH and I were quite pleased this day.  We brought Buffy with us - and also brought the pet stroller - so she was sitting and sleeping safe in the zipped up stroller while we enjoyed a nice lunch out!

Oct 20 2021  Costco stuffed salmon for dinner, the electricity went out in kitchen after the meal, so DH and DS worked on wires in the dark.  Problem fixed next day when it was light.  Little Buffy a little more than 2 months out from her surgery, nice sunrise while we walked.

Oct 17 2021 - Lots of decorations in the neighborhood for Halloween.  This was my favorite...

Waldorf: Thursday - Orange Day Barley Soup

Barley Soup

3 carrots, chopped

1 onion (optional)

3 C barley

1/2 C tamari

1 T parsley

1 T oregano

2 quarts water

Chop onion, saute in oil until soft.

Add the remaining ingredients.

Cook until the barley is tender.

Recipe will feed 25 - 30 kindergarten children!

This was my son's favorite when he was in kindergarten.

Morning Verse
To Earth I come to greet the light, to greet the Sun,
The stones that rest,
The plants the grow,
The beasts that run.
To greet all people who walk and work and will,
Love God in all.
Then God greets me, in all I do,
And you and I and God are one.

Morning has come
Night is away
Rise with the Sun
And welcome the day!

Waldorf: Wednesday - Yellow Day Apple-Millet Cereal

Apple-Millet Cereal

2 1/4 C millet

6-8 C apple juice or water

5 - 7 apples, cut up

2 tsp cinnamon

Cover with water, add more as needed.  

Cook until tender (about 20 minutes)  *We recommend a heat disperser so the grains won't burn. If you don't have one, watch pot closely and stir often.

Optional: Serve with maple syrup.

Note: Recipe will feed 25 - 30 kindergarten children!

Lunch Blessing
Before the flour, the mill
Before the mill, the grain
Before the grain, the earth, the sun, the rain
The beauty of God's will.
Join hands.
Join hands.
Join hands.
Blessings on our food.

Waldorf: Tuesday - Red Day Bread


  1. Sponge: Combine and set aside, 1/4 C lukewarm water, 2 T yeast and 1/4 tsp maple syrup
  2. Combine: 1/4 C oil, 1/2 C maple syrup, 1 1/2 tsp salt, and 2 C water
  3. Add steps 1 and 2 together along with 1 1/2 C flour, stir 200 times, then let it rest 5 - 10 minutes.
  4. Add 4 C whole wheat flour (can substitute 1/2 C oats for the flour)
  5. Knead, add flour as needed.
  6. Shape on an oiled pan, then bake in 375 degree oven for 45 minutes.
  7. Note: if making rolls then bake 375 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Snack Blessing
Earth who gives to us this food,
Sun who makes it ripe and good,
Dear Earth, Dear Sun, by you we live,
Our loving thanks to you we give.
Join hands. Join hands. Join hands.
Blessing on our food.

Waldorf: Monday - Violet Day - Rice Cereal

Rice Cereal

3 C sweet brown rice, cover with 1.5 inches of water

Cook until tender. *We recommend a heat disperser so the grains won't burn.  If you don't have one, watch pot closely and stir often.

Sprinkle with gemasio (sesame salt) or sweeten with honey.

Note: This recipe will feed 25-30 kindergarten children!